photo Hi, I'm Aritra, Computer Science student at KTH, in the Visualisation and Interactive Graphics track. I'm currently looking for a master's thesis project!

About me

Graphics programming is one of my big passions. I love anything to do with graphics, rendering and GPU programming. As a former Engineering Physics student, I'm particularly interested in the intersection of GPU/graphics and physics. That includes for instance light transport, GPU simulation and rendering techniques. I am also fascinated by the creative approaches and methods one has to take in optimising algorithms for parallel execution on the GPU.

Featured Projects


Soft Body Simulation on GPU

This was my final project for my course in Graphics and Interaction, and what really sparked my interest in GPU/graphics programming. It is a particle based soft body simulation based on Müller's XPBD method, simulating the system by solving a set of volume and length constraints in every time step. One of the most interesting parts of the project was optimising it for parallelisation on the GPU, which involved clustering the particles using graph colouring. Check out the blog if you're interested in the details! Here are some of the skills and technologies I learnt about in this project:

  • Unity
  • GLSL Compute shaders
  • XPBD
Check it out

Volume renderer

This is a personal project I made after learning about volume rendering in my Visualisation course. It is a slice based volume renderer. One of the challenges in making this was the geometrical calculations involved in order to generate view aligned polygons and optimise the renderer. Work is still in progress!

  • OpenGL
  • Geometry
Check it out


Arrend is a long term OpenGL renderer project I have been working on. I started it in the summer as I started learning OpenGL. The project is quite large in scope and work is still in progress. Some current features:

  • Deferred shading, normal mapping, SSAO, SSR
  • Model loading with multiple textures
  • GUI editor
Check it out

Rolling Reactions

Rolling Reactions is a group project I'm part of in my course in Advanced Graphics and Interaction. It is a VR experience where you traverse in a wheelchair while overseeing experiments in the lab. I worked on creating the wheelchair locomotion system, which involves marrying both the physics and interaction of the wheelchair to deliver a realistic and immersive experience. I have also made some contributions to the fluid simulation that is used for the experiments. Here is what I've learnt during the project:

  • VR
  • Unity Physics
  • Zibra Effects - liquid & smoke and fire simulation
Check it out






Interests & Skills


I am proficient in a variety of languages, including web programming. My strongest languages are C++ and Python. I am also familiar with parallel programming in both shared (OpenMP) and distributed memory (MPI) systems, which I learnt specifically in the context of High Performance Computing.

Graphics + GPGPU

I have done graphics programming in OpenGL and am familiar with a large variety of rendering techniques and effects. I have also done computation using HLSL compute shaders. In an upcoming course I will be learning to use CUDA and AMD HIP.


I have taken a Simulation and Modeling course, as well as Numerical Methods. My simulation skills are also complemented well by my physics knowledge. I can also apply techniques of visualising scientific data, such as volume rendering, streamlines and marching squares.

Game design

I am proficient in Unity and scripting in C# through learning both for hobby projects and in university courses. In particular I have a good understanding of Unity's physics system and VR tools.